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ORM: Factories

See how to factory fake models in Athenna Framework.


When testing your application or seeding your database, you may need to insert a few records into your database. Instead of manually specifying the value of each column, Athenna allows you to define a set of default attributes for each of your models using model factories.

Defining model factories

First thing you need to do before start using your factories is to define the return value of the static definition() method of your model:

import { BaseModel } from '@athenna/database'

export class User extends BaseModel {
public id: number

public name: string

@Column({ isUnique: true })
public email: string

@Column({ isCreateDate: true })
public createdAt: Date

@Column({ isUpdateDate: true })
public updatedAt: Date

@Column({ isDeleteDate: true })
public deletedAt: Date

public async static definition(): Promise<Partial<User>> {
return {
id:{ max: 100000 }),
name: this.faker.person.firstName(),

The definition method returns the default set of attribute values that should be applied when creating a model using the factory.

Via the faker helper, models have access to the @faker-js/faker, which allows you to conveniently generate various kinds of random data for testing and seeding.

Creating models using factories

Once you have defined the definition() method of your model, you may use the static factory method in order to instantiate a factory instance for that model. Let's take a look at a few examples of creating models. First, we'll use the make() method to create models without persisting them to the database:

const user = await User.factory().make()

You may create a collection of many models using the count() method:

const users = await User.factory()

Creating trashed models

If your model is using soft delete approach you can apply the trashed state to your model by calling the trashed() method:

const users = await User.factory()

Overriding attributes

If you would like to override some of the default values of your definition() method, you may pass an array of values to the make() method. Only the specified attributes will be replaced while the rest of the attributes remain set to their default values as specified by the definiton() method:

const user = await User.factory().make({ name: 'Thais Gabriela' })

Returning specific fields

Sometimes you may need to return only a specific field from your fabricated data. To do so, you can use the returning() method:

// Make one User and return it email
const email = await User.factory()

// Make three Users and return an array with three emails
const emails = await User.factory()

Persisting models

The create() method instantiates model instances and persists them to the database:

// Create a single User
const user = await User.factory().create()

// Create three Users
const users = await User.factory()

You may override the factory's default model attributes by passing an object of attributes to the create() method:

const user = await User.factory().create({ name: 'Thais' })

Mass assignment protection is automatically disabled when creating models using factories.

Defining relationships within factories

To define a relationship within your model factory, you will typically assign a new factory instance to the foreign key of the relationship. This is normally done for the "inverse" relationships such as @BelongsTo() relationships.

For example, if you would like to create a new user when creating a post, you may use the returningAs() method that works exactly like the returning() method, the only difference is that returningAs() forces the TypeScript return type to be the same of the field you are returning:

import { User } from '#src/models/User'
import { BaseModel } from '@athenna/database'

export class Post extends Model {
public static definition(): Promise<Partial<Post>> {
return {
title: this.faker.commerce.productName(),
userId: User.factory().returningAs('id')
