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Application Lifecycle

Understand each one of the Athenna applications lifecycle.


When using any tool in the "real world", you feel more confident if you understand how that tool works. Application development is no different. When you understand how your development tools function, you feel more comfortable and confident using them.

The goal of this document is to give you a good, high-level overview of how the Athenna framework works. By getting to know the overall framework better, everything feels less "magical" and you will be more confident building your applications. If you don't understand all the terms right away, don't lose heart! Just try to get a basic grasp of what is going on, and your knowledge will grow as you explore other sections of the documentation.

Athenna foundation lifecycle

The Athenna foundation is everything that is not coupled to the type of application you are using. Meaning that no matter what is the type of application you are using to build your solution, the explanation bellow is valid for all of them.

The entry point of an Athenna application is the



. The first action taken by Athenna itself is to create an instance of the application and then boot it.

Loading the foundation

Rc file

The RC file is the first thing Athenna will do when booting the application. The RC file is responsible to configure your entire workspace and certain runtime settings of your application.

Other operations

Some other operation will be done when loading the foundation, such as:

  1. Verify if your engines in package.json is supported.
  2. Register the Athenna logger provider.
  3. Register an uncaught exception handler.
  4. Define your application root path.
  5. Register Ignite class in the service container.
  6. Define application signals for graceful shutdown.

The process of loading the Athenna foundation is triggered by the Ignite.load() method.

Firing the foundation

The Athenna foundation will automatically be fired internally depending on the type of application you are using, let's see all the operations executed in order to get Athenna foundation done:

Environment variables

The first thing Athenna will do when firing the foundation is to load your environment variables files. You can learn more about what is and how to configure your environment variables in the environment configuration documentation section.

Configuration files

Afterwards Athenna will load all the configuration files found inside the path returned by the



method. You can learn more about what is and how to configure your configuration files in the configuration files documentation section.

Service providers

One of the most important kernel bootstrapping actions is loading the service providers for your application. All the service providers for the application are configured in the .athennarc.json in the providers array.

Athenna will iterate through this list of providers and instantiate each of them. After instantiating the providers, the register method will be called on all the providers. Then, once all the providers have been registered, the boot method will be called on each provider. This is so service providers may depend on every container binding being registered and available by the time their boot method is executed.

Service providers are responsible for bootstrapping all the frameworks various components, such as the database, http server, validation, services and routing components. Essentially, every major feature offered by Athenna is bootstrapped and configured by a service provider. Since they bootstrap and configure so many features offered by the framework, service providers are the most important aspect of the entire Athenna bootstrap process.


Preload files are loaded at the time of booting the application. The files are loaded right after booting the service providers. A preload file could be useful to execute some operation before bootstrapping the application. All the preloads for the application are configured in the .athennarc.json in the preloads array.


The process of firing the Athenna foundation is triggered by the Ignite::fire() static method. But if you check your



entrypoint file, you will see that this method is not called directly. The reason for this is that this method is called internally depending on the type of application you are using. Let's cover some examples bellow:

  • The REST API application needs to fire the foundation first because it depends on service providers to register your controllers, services, middlewares, routes, etc.

  • The CLI application and Artisan commands does not fire the foundation because commands do not depend on registering providers, loading environment variables and configuration files, for example. But, if your command got the loadApp setting equals to true in .athennarc.json, the foundation will be fired before executing your command.

REST API lifecycle


The Kernel class is responsible by defining some bootstraps that will be run before reading your



file. These bootstraps configure error handling for requests, tracing and logging, detect the application environment, and perform other tasks that need to be done before the request is actually handled. Typically, these classes handle internal Athenna configuration that you do not need to worry about.

The Kernel is also responsible by registering your middlewares and controllers defined in your .athennarc.json file. By default, Athenna will always use the default implementation HttpKernel class imported from @athenna/http package. If you prefer, you can create your custom Kernel implementation, extending the default HttpKernel class and registering it in your Ignite.httpServer method call:

import { HttpKernel } from '@athenna/http'

export class CustomKernel extends HttpKernel {

You can check all the methods available for you to override in your custom kernel implementation taking a look at HttpKernel implementation code.

Then, you can register your CustomKernel in your




import { Ignite } from '@athenna/core'

const ignite = await new Ignite().load(import.meta.url)

await ignite.httpServer({ kernelPath: '#src/http/CustomKernel' })





file is the entrypoint for all your http requests. This file is responsible to create a contract between your client and your application. It Is in here that we define all our routes and the handlers/controllers who will handle the client request.

One of the most important service providers in your application is the HttpRouteProvider. This service provider adds in the container the Route class instance used inside




When the client request arrives, the server first executes all your global middlewares, then it will execute all your route middlewares. Once it finishes, it goes for your handler/controller. See the example:

Finish up

Once the controller/handler function returns a response, the response will travel back outward through each global interceptor, and then route's interceptor, giving the application a chance to modify or examine the outgoing response. See the example:

As you can see in the example, the response content is sent to the client. The request finishes for the client but not for the server. Now it's time to execute the global and route terminators. The terminators are executed when a response has been sent, so you will not be able to send more data to the client. It can, however, be useful for sending data to external services, for example, create metrics of the entire request. See the example:

Finally, once all terminators are executed, the request finishes in the server. We've finished our journey through the entire REST API lifecycle 🥳.

Cli and Commands lifecycle


The Kernel class is responsible for defining some bootstraps that will be run before registering your commands. These bootstraps configure error handling for commands, detect the application environment, and perform other tasks that need to be done before the command is actually handled. Typically, these classes handle internal Athenna configuration that you do not need to worry about.

The Kernel is also responsible for registering your commands defined in your .athennarc.json file. By default, Athenna will always use the default implementation ConsoleKernel class imported from @athenna/http package. If you prefer, you can create your custom Kernel implementation, extending the default ConsoleKernel class and registering it in your Ignite.console() method call:

import { ConsoleKernel } from '@athenna/http'

export class CustomKernel extends ConsoleKernel {

You can check all the methods available for you to override in your custom kernel implementation taking a look at ConsoleKernel implementation code.

Then, you can register your CustomKernel in your






import { Ignite } from '@athenna/core'

const ignite = await new Ignite().load(import.meta.url, {
bootLogs: false

await ignite.console(process.argv, {
kernelPath: '#src/http/CustomKernel'





and the commands property of .athennarc.json file is where that we define all ours commands and the handlers who will handle the terminal arguments.

When the terminal arguments arrive, the application will be bootstrapped based on the command that you are asking to execute. Let's suppose we have executed the hello command defined in our .athennarc.json file:

"commands": {
"hello": {
"path": "#src/console/commands/HelloCommand",
"env": "local",
"loadApp": false,
"stayAlive": false,
"loadAllCommands": false,
"environments": ["console"]

Since loadAllCommands is set to false, the Kernel will load only the hello command and execute it:

Finish up

Once the command handler function finish, Athenna will verify if the stayAlive setting is set to true, if so, the application will not be terminated, very useful when running command like repl and serve.

We've finished our journey through the entire command lifecycle 🥳.

Focus on service providers

Service providers are truly the key to bootstrapping an Athenna application. The application instance is created, the service providers are registered, and the request is handed to the bootstrapped application. It's really that simple!

Having a firm grasp of how an Athenna application is built and bootstrapped via service providers is very valuable. Your application's default service providers are stored in the providers directory, and you can create your own provider with the following command:

node artisan make:provider AppProvider

With this new provider you can add your application's own bootstrapping and service container bindings. For large applications, you may wish to create several service providers, each with more granular bootstrapping for specific services used by your application.